News & Events
Joint Team Community Service Project

Washington, PA (May 23, 2017) – In the early morning of Tuesday May 23, 2017, coach buses arrived at Cross Creek Park in Washington County, PA carrying 213 co-workers from Audia. Comprised of sister companies Washington Penn, Uniform Color, and Southern Polymer, Audia is a global plastics producer headquartered in Washington, PA and dedicated to giving back to the communities where it operates. The company has nearly 300 employees in Washington alone.
The Joint Team Meeting provides global members of the Audia sales and customer support teams an opportunity to discuss shared goals and initiatives. On this particular Tuesday morning the common mission was roofing 6 picnic pavilions, construction of 40 picnic tables, and planting of nearly 8,000 trees. In addition, one particular crew was tasked with preparing donated Christmas trees to become aquatic habitats, eventually placing them at the bottom of Cross Creek Lake.
The picnic tables and pavilions will provide community areas for fellowship. The trees planted – including blue spruce, white spruce, Rocky Mountain juniper, and jack pine varieties – will grow into a forest for wildlife, and even help improve the carbon footprint of the companies within Audia. The submerged Christmas trees will protect fish species and foster the growth of their populations.
With a presence in 20 different countries, Audia is committed to building a framework of teamwork and cooperation among each of the sister companies across the globe. Projects like the one at Cross Creek Park foster those important connections and reinforce the importance of community service and sustainability, both of which are pillars of the Audia business model.
A big thanks to all of our co-workers for participating in this great event and congratulations on a job well done. We look forward to continuing the Audia's rich tradition of working together to serve the communities in which we operate.